The New & (Hopefully) Improved!

I’ve done it again… I changed the website to fit the theme with my floating banner.  Pretty please go take a look and give me some feedback.  What do you think?  Is it easy to read?  Does it have a nice feel to it?  Is it worthy of my sexiness?  That last one is important 😉

15 thoughts on “The New & (Hopefully) Improved!

  1. I really like the new logo. Very sexy. 😉 And the colors are great!
    I have one comment… the menu items look squished and a little difficult to distinguish from each other. I’m not sure how to fix it exactly but maybe if they were in 2 rows instead of 3?
    Thank you for asking for input. I really feel like part of a community. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I quite like your new design with the hovering menus. I noticed that some of them aren’t working consistently across all pages and I know you will get that sorted. The whole appearance is fresh and inviting. The floating banner now appears pinned and not stalking me as I navigate your blog. Your Tree logo had me waiting a moment to see if the Cheshire Cat might appear. Very sexy! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think it’s a lot easier to navigate this way from a usability standpoint! Which is important. From a design standpoint, it would be nice if the floating menus didn’t cover up the logo; maybe allow more space between the menu and the Lewis Carroll quote? The biggest visual issue is that the Celtic tree design looks like it’s stretched out… maybe you were going for an “in perspective” look, laying flat but slightly tilted? But I would recommend either make the logo smaller or giving it more room so it can stand straight instead of flattening out. I might also bump up the size or the saturation of your main title (“Olive These Words”) so it stands out more sharply in contrast to the rest of the text. …If you want, I’ll have Gina take a look at it when she gets home tonight and give some actual, professional suggestions. LOL. But overall, this is a much cleaner, more streamlined look for the site. =)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fantabulous, but I fear I’m not getting the full experience on my iPad. I’ll check it out on the laptop later and see if it’s any different, if I can bring myself to climb two flights of stairs…..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like the logo — very elegant and vampire-sexy indeed, especially with that hint of mythological Celtic mystery. I have a few comments though – and I mean this constructively: the font size is rather small and for one with long-sightedness, it is a bit of a strain unless I view it at 125%. The many drop-down menus you have make it a little confusing to navigate. My usual stop is your OPINION section, which I used to think was somewhere in the menu under BLOGS.


  6. I know I’m late to the game providing feedback on the new layout, but here goes! I definitely prefer the lighter background to the darker one your page used to have. I find lighter colors much easier to read on. I also really like the streamlined menu at the top with the drop downs. My only concern — and I am on a desktop, fyi — is that when I navigate to your homepage of, I don’t see where the most recent posts are. I hovered over “About” and clicked on “blogs,” but it just takes me to a page describing the different blogs you have. So I’m not sure how to navigate to the latest posts on Olive These Words. Since I’m on a desktop I doubt that’s the issue, but who knows.

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